Saturday, August 7, 2010

I want it.......

Stephi Here.

I'm not the only one who suddenly wants something with a burning passion for no reason at all right?

Like... this one time I was reading some comments and I saw the word terrarium. And I didn't know what it meant(mini landscape nature thing). So I googled it. And It led me to a page about small plants. Which led me to a word; bonsai. And from what I knew bonsai was either a small tree or "HURRAY!" in Japanese. Common sense told me it was the small tree thing, but I googled it anyway. And THAT led to me reading a page about how bonsai trees can teach you responsibility and whatnot. And then something clicked in my head. I NEEEEEEEEEEEED THIS. I NEED A BONSAI OR I'LL DIE BECAUSE I'LL NEVER LEARN TO BE RESPONSIBLE AND I'LL DIE FROM IRRESPONSIBILITY. I was extremely passionate about this for a week. But I eventually forgot about it... until now.

Maybe I should get a bonsai tree after all.....

Or like the time I saw a commercial with people eating overdecorated cheese and crackers... and I thought to myself; I wanna be fancy too! I NEED overly decorated cheese and crackers. I'll never learn proper etiquette without it! And when I get older people will think I'm a Neanderthal if I don't! I NEEEEEEEEEED IT.

PS. I made some... and I was extremely proud of myself. Until I bit into one and it crumbled away. I gave up on it after that.

And there's this time when I stumbled on the home decoration channel... (Disney is channel 290. I clicked 229 because my thumb was too tired to reach down for that 0.) And I kept watching HGTV... because there's something about it that's just SO interesting. I'm serious. Then it dawned on me... I NEEEEEEEEEEEED TO REDECORATE MY ROOM! I MUST!

(The painter's tape is still on my ceiling...)

I'll probably write about that in some other post.

My point is.. random strings of coincidences eventually bring to to more random things.. and I have a sudden obsession with getting it... until my burning passion fire burns dies from procrastination or failure.

I'm not the only one... right?

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