Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sally! D:

I think Sally died. She hasn't posted anything yet!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Liking yourself.

Stephi Here.

Pet Peeve #2
Liking your own posts.

Why would you do that? Other than a teenie little self confidence boost that lasts 5 minutes, then you go.. MAN! I look like a douche!

I just don't understand why people would do that. Is it to pressure other people into liking it too? That works on other posts, but once the people see your name twice in one little section, the need to follow the status quo is killed by the need to point and laugh at how desperate the person seems.

For example;
Scissors McSissorita I like scissors!

about an hour ago
Stapler Stapliton likes this.

This is usually where you go..."Hey! I like scissors too, but I'm too lazy to click the lik- OH! Would you look at that! Stapler Stapliton likes scissors too. I'm gonna take a second to click the like button too!"

Bowlie Bowler I love soup!

about an hour ago
Bowlie Bowler likes this.

Now, you usually think..."I love soup too! Maybe I'll click like button! Maybe. Oh, hey! Someone else likes it too..... oh... he liked his own status. That pathetically screams 'I desperately need someone to like this status! Check it out, I'm a someone! I'll like my own status. Because no one else will.' Maybe I shouldn't..."

Man, I sound like a bitch! But it just pisses me off. A lot more than it should, but it does.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Midnight-ish Book Ninja.

Stephi here.

I just went on an adventure! No, not really... but it felt like it.

I was about to go to sleep... until I realized that I really wanted to read, not sleep. Even though I'm extremely tired.
"Hey! Guess what? I'm not gonna let you sleep until you read some of The Last Olympian." My brain said. This wouldn't be a problem. Nope, it usually happens every other night. Except this time, Ada(my sister) borrowed to book earlier at night when the diurnal members of my family slept.

Ada sleeps with my mom. My mother PMS's on a daily basis. So you see how this is a problem.

But I NEEDED that book. So I decided that I was agile and sneaky enough. I mean, I've watched Ocean's 13.. and parts of James Bond... and Spy Kids........................... I got this.

Start playing the James Bond theme song as you read this next part.

The door was partially open. I got this.

I'm gonna slide in. Like a badass snake. Because I'm so badass.

It would've worked. But my rib touched the door. Making it move an inch... but that was enough to make Ada's stupid rosary thing jingle.
I hate you, metal crucifix thing. What is that anyway? 9 years in Catholic school and I never understood why Christians carry around a model of the torture instrument used to kill their hero.

It's like if Michael Jackson fans carried around tiny bloody anatomical hearts that look like they've been arrested. That's a bad example, but I wanted to draw this picture.

Hahahahaha. I'm so punny.

Anyway, it made a lot of noise and I froze. My mom's breathing didn't slow, so I kept going.

I got in. And I felt my way around the room because I overestimated my night vision abilities. So I went to the faded LED light of my sister's cell phone. It was charging, but it was 100% already, so I unplugged it.


I froze. Okay, okay. No one noticed. And then I stepped away, and the charger head hit the floor with a


I closed my eyes and waited for the rustling of bedsheets. Nothing. SAFE! Phew... I'm good. I'm good...

And a second later, the light disappeared because it wasn't charging anymore. So I slid it up and down to renew the light's lifetime.


Run. Goddammit Stephanie, RUN! And I was at the door when my mom said, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Looking for a book." I replied. Good thing it's 4am, she was too tired to question me.

Mission Failure. Enemy detected me. Dammit.


This is what went through my head during the second mission:

I got this now. I'm so awesome. I have my phone's camera on. The screen is dark, but still illuminates.

I'm so cool.

Aw, come on! My mom's facing the door now. Great!

I still got this. I'm cool. I'm chill.....

After groping around the bed and the desk, nearly pushing Ada off the bed, risking it by checking under my mom's pillow, under Ada's pillow, between Ada and Mom, under the bed, in the closet, on her desky thing.. I have come back empty handed. I have failed everyone. And by everyone, I mean me.

WAIT. What if Ada didn't bring the book upstairs to her room? Oh who am I kidding? Who reads downstairs in the living room? Pfft. Pssh.. heh.. ha... heh.. merf....

It was downstairs. On the table. It's black cover mocking me.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Home decorating... FAIL.

Stephi here!

Remember how I mentioned in the last post how I'd write a new post about my home decorating adventure?

Yeah, well here it is!

It started like 3 months ago.. or somewhere near the beginning of summer. I found the magically addictive Home Decoration Channel or something..(HGTV)

And I got super passionate about getting my house redecorated.

I dreamed about filming it.. and having this cool segment where I talk about it... and then the people get to see the progress... And I'd get famous via house designer....... And I'd have the best looking house ever.

I spent hours looking at the IKEA catalog and planning my artistic domination of my household.

I'll start with my ROOM. Then I'll expand my territory into THE BATHROOM! AND DOWN THE STAIRS AND THEN THE LIVING ROOM! MWAHHAHAHAHAHA...

Well, it's been 3 months... and the closest I've gotten to a new room is the blue painter's tape on my ceiling...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

You tube? Yes. Yes I tube.

Stephi here.

Click to enlarge...

I don't like how Youtube's emphasizing my "mistake" by capitalizing the YOU.

I want it.......

Stephi Here.

I'm not the only one who suddenly wants something with a burning passion for no reason at all right?

Like... this one time I was reading some comments and I saw the word terrarium. And I didn't know what it meant(mini landscape nature thing). So I googled it. And It led me to a page about small plants. Which led me to a word; bonsai. And from what I knew bonsai was either a small tree or "HURRAY!" in Japanese. Common sense told me it was the small tree thing, but I googled it anyway. And THAT led to me reading a page about how bonsai trees can teach you responsibility and whatnot. And then something clicked in my head. I NEEEEEEEEEEEED THIS. I NEED A BONSAI OR I'LL DIE BECAUSE I'LL NEVER LEARN TO BE RESPONSIBLE AND I'LL DIE FROM IRRESPONSIBILITY. I was extremely passionate about this for a week. But I eventually forgot about it... until now.

Maybe I should get a bonsai tree after all.....

Or like the time I saw a commercial with people eating overdecorated cheese and crackers... and I thought to myself; I wanna be fancy too! I NEED overly decorated cheese and crackers. I'll never learn proper etiquette without it! And when I get older people will think I'm a Neanderthal if I don't! I NEEEEEEEEEED IT.

PS. I made some... and I was extremely proud of myself. Until I bit into one and it crumbled away. I gave up on it after that.

And there's this time when I stumbled on the home decoration channel... (Disney is channel 290. I clicked 229 because my thumb was too tired to reach down for that 0.) And I kept watching HGTV... because there's something about it that's just SO interesting. I'm serious. Then it dawned on me... I NEEEEEEEEEEEED TO REDECORATE MY ROOM! I MUST!

(The painter's tape is still on my ceiling...)

I'll probably write about that in some other post.

My point is.. random strings of coincidences eventually bring to to more random things.. and I have a sudden obsession with getting it... until my burning passion fire burns dies from procrastination or failure.

I'm not the only one... right?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Trolls are Allergic to Opinions.

Stephi here.
I'm angry. I'm like really angry. "Why?"You may ask.

Internet Troll(n):someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(wiki).

Usually I ignore these people... No. Who am I kidding? I MUST win everything. Arguments with idiots over the internet is no exception.

And these arguments usually start with my stating my opinion.

Me: Eh. Not my favorite video of yours. This one's kinda lacking.
Troll: Eh. You're a total bitch. That brain of yours is kinda lacking.

First they mock.

Me: What's your problem? I'm simply saying that I don't really like this video. I didn't offend anyone.

Here, I'm trying to sound pleasant to avoid a fight. Even though I know it's futile. Trolls won't stop after they get started. Never ever ever. It goes on a rampage.

Troll: So you're saying that he totally sucks now and you hate his videos forever because one of them is totally lacking. You're such a little B*tch. You know that? Just judging someone. And you offended ME. And everyone else who liked this video. So go to hell, b*tch!

Now's when they start stating the obvious and exaggerating it.. Followed by an attempt to take you on a guilt trip. And they throw in a pinch of vulgarity to make it interesting.

Me: No. I just don't like the video. It's my OPINION. Someone as smart as you should know how those things work. ............

Now I get heated. I usually go on a rant about opinions. And how everyone's in different... etc etc.

Troll: Whatever...etc etc.

This is when they start running out of clever comebacks and what not. And I feel triumphant.

This is pretty much how it usually ends. If a troll is particularly stubborn, it will drag the conversation on for many many comments.

Sure I could just ignore them when they reply to my comments. But when I do, I feel like I'm giving up the fight. Like those people who say, "Let's all work together! World peace!". I'm just not mature enough to walk away. Because I can imagine it sitting down with a smirk on it's face going, "That's right. Not responding because I'm right!".