Friday, August 6, 2010

Trolls are Allergic to Opinions.

Stephi here.
I'm angry. I'm like really angry. "Why?"You may ask.

Internet Troll(n):someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(wiki).

Usually I ignore these people... No. Who am I kidding? I MUST win everything. Arguments with idiots over the internet is no exception.

And these arguments usually start with my stating my opinion.

Me: Eh. Not my favorite video of yours. This one's kinda lacking.
Troll: Eh. You're a total bitch. That brain of yours is kinda lacking.

First they mock.

Me: What's your problem? I'm simply saying that I don't really like this video. I didn't offend anyone.

Here, I'm trying to sound pleasant to avoid a fight. Even though I know it's futile. Trolls won't stop after they get started. Never ever ever. It goes on a rampage.

Troll: So you're saying that he totally sucks now and you hate his videos forever because one of them is totally lacking. You're such a little B*tch. You know that? Just judging someone. And you offended ME. And everyone else who liked this video. So go to hell, b*tch!

Now's when they start stating the obvious and exaggerating it.. Followed by an attempt to take you on a guilt trip. And they throw in a pinch of vulgarity to make it interesting.

Me: No. I just don't like the video. It's my OPINION. Someone as smart as you should know how those things work. ............

Now I get heated. I usually go on a rant about opinions. And how everyone's in different... etc etc.

Troll: Whatever...etc etc.

This is when they start running out of clever comebacks and what not. And I feel triumphant.

This is pretty much how it usually ends. If a troll is particularly stubborn, it will drag the conversation on for many many comments.

Sure I could just ignore them when they reply to my comments. But when I do, I feel like I'm giving up the fight. Like those people who say, "Let's all work together! World peace!". I'm just not mature enough to walk away. Because I can imagine it sitting down with a smirk on it's face going, "That's right. Not responding because I'm right!".

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