Friday, September 24, 2010


Seeing this pisses me off.

Yeah, another rant-y type post.

BTW: Mouse is fixed again!

Anyway; Seeing the word.. no phrase.. wait, word? But... Let's just say phrase. Seeing that phrase pisses me off. More than it should, but a lot of random things piss me off. It's a telltale sign of a shallow, prejudice person. With some exceptions. A lot of people say hahas because they see those shallow people say it, and are influenced.

The type of people who say hahas;

They always think they're better than you, but they wanna make it seem like you matter.

Like... "Hi! ... bye!" The hi's there to tell you that they acknowledge your existence. Bye's usually silent, but if they could say it without hurting you and their reputation, they would, because they think they're too good for you, and want you to know it... while making you feel a little special with that Hi.


lol pisses me off to an extent... because it's just there to express your amusement. Like a smiley face.
lols, however, sit with the hahas.

lols/haha/hahas VS. lol ... there's the je ne sais qua.

But the HAHAHAHAHA vs. the hahas is no mystery.

the HAHAHAHAHA is usually when something is really amusing. Like an exaggerated LOL.

And then the stupid haha tries to be cute by putting that little s at the end.


That was my stupid rant. hahas

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