Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hey guys, this is Sally. Sorry I haven't posted at all... haha... we created this blog, I believe, during the summer? Yes? Yes. Summer happened, and then school started. School started then the heaps of homework that came with it. Actually, I'm in school, in a class, in a computer lab. Truth is, for our Survey Lit. class, our teacher actually made us create blogs and have a new post every two weeks. So, here I am, trying to think of what to write... NO IDEAS. Like the title says, I currently have writer's block. Since I couldn't think of anything, I just thought I would read Stephi's posts for inspiration... so far, no success. Yet. I'm probably going to blog about childhood memoirs or something. I'll blog again soon. Actually, this doesn't even count as a post but... SEE Y'ALL. Peace. (:

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