Stephi Here!
So if you have a Facebook or Instant Messenger... or just anything that allow people to practice the first amendment and you're below 27, you'd probably(hopefully... otherwise this rant-y post would sound bitchy) know someone who has the most... odd statuses.
Okay, I'm going all out now. When I say odd, I mean the stupidest, most irrelevant, unoriginal, smiley face abusive statuses in the world. The statuses that make me want to beat you with a sharp diamond brick.
2. Statuses that have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.
Nublet van Nubble I totally ate monkey shit and danced with zebras! LOL!11!one1.
Cheesey love quotes. Especially when they're aimed at no one. AT ALL.
Cheesy McCheeseballs:
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be.
I'm sorry Cheesy McCheeseballs...(Who's actually a real person. I just used a different name.) I was under the impression that you're single... for the past 14 years of your LIFE. So unless you're talking about your pet dog going away, I advise you to stop making yourself look like a total douche.
4. Typinggg likeeeeeee thiss because it'ss "cutee".♥
When I see people typing like that, I imagine them with a speech impediment.
But since I know they usually don't, I just get annoyed.
This is a fine piece of art.