Sunday, December 19, 2010

No one understands my genius. D:

Sally thinks I'm high.


How about a story? The Artsy Llama who got a job.

See, I'm bored right now. So I shall entertain everyone with a story I will make up as I type along. Then I'll add pictures.

Here we go;

Once upon a time, in the distant distant future, there was a llama.
The llama was secretly a con artist at night, and street artist in the morning.

He loved art, you see. He majored in Art when we went to LALAU. Los Angeles Llama Art University.

One day, while he was drawing a sock on the beach, a snorkle came along and snorted, "Hello, llama. I have a dilemma. You see, my mama... is ill. And she needs you to draw her before she dies-ma. I'm willing to pay you 6 shillings. 3 in the form of baby organs, and 4 in chapstick caps, and -1 in airbags."

The llama was excited, for he's running low on chapstick caps. And chapstick caps are a delicacy in the land of the Bigglelog. Any found are usually eaten on sight.
"All right, Mr..."
"You may call me Drowning."
"All right, Mr. Drowning, the snorkle. I shall assist you in your mother's dilemma."
"I shall see you at 13 o clock."

This was a problem for the llama. He is a con artist at 12 o' clock. He is in dire need of a solution to suppress his urge to become a con artist by 4 o' clock, for it is two hours to 12, and seven to 13.

He goes to the local pub, in hopes of finding a witch who specializes in llama con artist suppressants.

He sees a shady looking old pig near the corner with the wax figs.

"Are you a witch who can distinguish me need to become a con artist by 13 o' clock?"
"Yes, why yes I am. Are you in need of a suppressant potion, my dear Dissociative identity disordered llama?"
"Yes! Yes, I am! What might I do to be able to obtain one from you?"
"I haven't the slightest idea. Perhaps you can ask one of the figs."

So the llama, with no other choice turned his attention to a rather plump fig.

"Dearest Fig, do you know how I might be able restrain my alter ego?"

The fig spat, and said with a lisp,"See here, llamas always have this suppressing situation. So, I send them some soft served ice cream. Something in the soothing softness of the ice cream seems to summon a superhero whom I know will suppress your con artist needs."

The llama returned home and waited for the delivery fish.


Alas! The fishy delivery man. The llama opens the door and signs for the ice cream.

In a puff of smoke, the superhero comes out.

"By Jove! You must be the llama I was expecting! Let us fix this problem of yours, why don't we?"

"Yes! Yes! We shall! How do we start?"

"With one full minute of intense anti con artist therapy. No more, no less."

The llama happily agrees.

However, the super hero is minute intolerant. And he found out, not so long ago, while in the home of a perplexing llama. So they went on with the therapy... for one second longer.

The superhero blows up, but the llama is cured.

At 13 o clock, he arrives at the snorkle, Mr. Drowning's house.
"I'm terribly sorry, my dear artistically artsy llama. My mother seems to have passed, thus making her invisible."

Sunday, November 7, 2010







CHUCK NORRIS SAW MY FACE AND WAS ALL..... dude i should go kick some ass. and make that my living.

God made me and was all... dudeeeeeee i totallyneed to make this chick a spheriical crib. So he made earth.

btw: I'm not on drugs. I'm on coffee.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hey guys, this is Sally. Sorry I haven't posted at all... haha... we created this blog, I believe, during the summer? Yes? Yes. Summer happened, and then school started. School started then the heaps of homework that came with it. Actually, I'm in school, in a class, in a computer lab. Truth is, for our Survey Lit. class, our teacher actually made us create blogs and have a new post every two weeks. So, here I am, trying to think of what to write... NO IDEAS. Like the title says, I currently have writer's block. Since I couldn't think of anything, I just thought I would read Stephi's posts for inspiration... so far, no success. Yet. I'm probably going to blog about childhood memoirs or something. I'll blog again soon. Actually, this doesn't even count as a post but... SEE Y'ALL. Peace. (:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Picture poses

When I take a picture with you, I don't like seeing my beautiful face next to a pufferfish.

Just so you know.

Pictures are fun and entertaining. To capture a memory. Or show how you look like to the webbernet. And most of the time, you want to look pretty/handsome in it.

So why?
It's not even pretty. But if you wanna be my scapegoat...
How about this duck face? Will pouting make you look any better than a normal smile? Is it supposed to be a kiss? because I'm not getting that vibe.
It's even worse when you're looking up at the camera that is practically above your head and then you duck it out.
I'm not even gonna explain this one.

Yeah. Okay. Go with the normal is boring and stupid. It's 2010. blahh excuse. No, normal is normal for a reason, I don't want to sound like a party pooper, but you can be unique all you want without looking stupid.

So stop looking stupid.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Seeing this pisses me off.

Yeah, another rant-y type post.

BTW: Mouse is fixed again!

Anyway; Seeing the word.. no phrase.. wait, word? But... Let's just say phrase. Seeing that phrase pisses me off. More than it should, but a lot of random things piss me off. It's a telltale sign of a shallow, prejudice person. With some exceptions. A lot of people say hahas because they see those shallow people say it, and are influenced.

The type of people who say hahas;

They always think they're better than you, but they wanna make it seem like you matter.

Like... "Hi! ... bye!" The hi's there to tell you that they acknowledge your existence. Bye's usually silent, but if they could say it without hurting you and their reputation, they would, because they think they're too good for you, and want you to know it... while making you feel a little special with that Hi.


lol pisses me off to an extent... because it's just there to express your amusement. Like a smiley face.
lols, however, sit with the hahas.

lols/haha/hahas VS. lol ... there's the je ne sais qua.

But the HAHAHAHAHA vs. the hahas is no mystery.

the HAHAHAHAHA is usually when something is really amusing. Like an exaggerated LOL.

And then the stupid haha tries to be cute by putting that little s at the end.


That was my stupid rant. hahas

Dream 9-24-10

I'm just recording my wild dreams. :D

In the dream, I'm apparently a guy. And was rich. So I bought these megaman type cannon arm gun things. And the ones I had were really cool, they're like black and white and shiny. And I hid them in my trench coat... which is really imposible since they're the huge bazooka type. So I ran away from home and I drove to somewhere in 1900's Texas. Back when they had log cabins everywhere. And I shot down a mafia man. Or a farmer. Or both. And then I realized that my favorite gun bazooka was also a sniper rifle thing. Then I found out that my next target was at some lecture hall. So I went there, and everything was really fancy, and peachy pink marble was everywhere. And I was in the back, the group of old fat men in suits and ladies with pearls were in front on a stage, and they were accepting some kind of award. Then I found out(more like realized) I had a daughter, and she was suddenly there. And she wanted to snipe them, so I let her. And then I was in her body, and I missed, and they realized I was there, so they ran towards me. And I was pushed into a section that was there for quilts...(don't ask me, I have no idea why it's there) by an employee... who apparently supported me. And he took the blame. And was killed, and they found me, and then I realized they were my family, and they assumed I was kidnapped, so they let me go.

Then there was something about going into my grandparent's old room, and then there was a bigger part of the dream in a futuristic city with a bridge. I was sniping a part of the bridge that held the pillars up(those stringy things).

Friday, September 17, 2010

And on the 19th day, Stephi has risen again!

I think I died too. But I'm back! Heh... It's not like I forgot about this or anything........................ D:

BTW: Mouse is working when it feels like working, so I'm using the reliable yet complex mouse keys(using my numberpad as a mouse). So there won't be many drawings here. But.......

Check me out.
Yeah. I'm in highschool. Woot Woot. Jones FTW.

Anyway... my first week of highschool was.... AWKWARD!!!!!!!

It was so awkward, I felt like I was melting from the intensity of the awkwardness of awkwards that was highschool. I tried being poetic there. Did I fail?

It's so different! There are so many students! And there are no lines!! People didn't walk like they were straight out of the military! But that's adds to the awkwardness because I have 5 minutes to get from floor 1 to floor 6 while moving one step every few seconds because floor 3 is being backed up by kissing seniors who are waiting outside their AOC(homeroom).

And in my classes, everyone's too nervous to talk... so when I try to strike a conversation...

Me: Hey! What school did you come from?
Them: Blah Blah Blah Elementary...
Me: Never heard of it.. Where is it? South or Northside?
Them: South...
Me: I went to St. Blarghal School.
Them: *Nervous dunnowhat to say nod*
Me: yeah......
Them: yeah.....

Followed by lots of nodding, and then eye contact avoiding.

I'm still quiet. And super self conscious. D:

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sally! D:

I think Sally died. She hasn't posted anything yet!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Liking yourself.

Stephi Here.

Pet Peeve #2
Liking your own posts.

Why would you do that? Other than a teenie little self confidence boost that lasts 5 minutes, then you go.. MAN! I look like a douche!

I just don't understand why people would do that. Is it to pressure other people into liking it too? That works on other posts, but once the people see your name twice in one little section, the need to follow the status quo is killed by the need to point and laugh at how desperate the person seems.

For example;
Scissors McSissorita I like scissors!

about an hour ago
Stapler Stapliton likes this.

This is usually where you go..."Hey! I like scissors too, but I'm too lazy to click the lik- OH! Would you look at that! Stapler Stapliton likes scissors too. I'm gonna take a second to click the like button too!"

Bowlie Bowler I love soup!

about an hour ago
Bowlie Bowler likes this.

Now, you usually think..."I love soup too! Maybe I'll click like button! Maybe. Oh, hey! Someone else likes it too..... oh... he liked his own status. That pathetically screams 'I desperately need someone to like this status! Check it out, I'm a someone! I'll like my own status. Because no one else will.' Maybe I shouldn't..."

Man, I sound like a bitch! But it just pisses me off. A lot more than it should, but it does.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Midnight-ish Book Ninja.

Stephi here.

I just went on an adventure! No, not really... but it felt like it.

I was about to go to sleep... until I realized that I really wanted to read, not sleep. Even though I'm extremely tired.
"Hey! Guess what? I'm not gonna let you sleep until you read some of The Last Olympian." My brain said. This wouldn't be a problem. Nope, it usually happens every other night. Except this time, Ada(my sister) borrowed to book earlier at night when the diurnal members of my family slept.

Ada sleeps with my mom. My mother PMS's on a daily basis. So you see how this is a problem.

But I NEEDED that book. So I decided that I was agile and sneaky enough. I mean, I've watched Ocean's 13.. and parts of James Bond... and Spy Kids........................... I got this.

Start playing the James Bond theme song as you read this next part.

The door was partially open. I got this.

I'm gonna slide in. Like a badass snake. Because I'm so badass.

It would've worked. But my rib touched the door. Making it move an inch... but that was enough to make Ada's stupid rosary thing jingle.
I hate you, metal crucifix thing. What is that anyway? 9 years in Catholic school and I never understood why Christians carry around a model of the torture instrument used to kill their hero.

It's like if Michael Jackson fans carried around tiny bloody anatomical hearts that look like they've been arrested. That's a bad example, but I wanted to draw this picture.

Hahahahaha. I'm so punny.

Anyway, it made a lot of noise and I froze. My mom's breathing didn't slow, so I kept going.

I got in. And I felt my way around the room because I overestimated my night vision abilities. So I went to the faded LED light of my sister's cell phone. It was charging, but it was 100% already, so I unplugged it.


I froze. Okay, okay. No one noticed. And then I stepped away, and the charger head hit the floor with a


I closed my eyes and waited for the rustling of bedsheets. Nothing. SAFE! Phew... I'm good. I'm good...

And a second later, the light disappeared because it wasn't charging anymore. So I slid it up and down to renew the light's lifetime.


Run. Goddammit Stephanie, RUN! And I was at the door when my mom said, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Looking for a book." I replied. Good thing it's 4am, she was too tired to question me.

Mission Failure. Enemy detected me. Dammit.


This is what went through my head during the second mission:

I got this now. I'm so awesome. I have my phone's camera on. The screen is dark, but still illuminates.

I'm so cool.

Aw, come on! My mom's facing the door now. Great!

I still got this. I'm cool. I'm chill.....

After groping around the bed and the desk, nearly pushing Ada off the bed, risking it by checking under my mom's pillow, under Ada's pillow, between Ada and Mom, under the bed, in the closet, on her desky thing.. I have come back empty handed. I have failed everyone. And by everyone, I mean me.

WAIT. What if Ada didn't bring the book upstairs to her room? Oh who am I kidding? Who reads downstairs in the living room? Pfft. Pssh.. heh.. ha... heh.. merf....

It was downstairs. On the table. It's black cover mocking me.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Home decorating... FAIL.

Stephi here!

Remember how I mentioned in the last post how I'd write a new post about my home decorating adventure?

Yeah, well here it is!

It started like 3 months ago.. or somewhere near the beginning of summer. I found the magically addictive Home Decoration Channel or something..(HGTV)

And I got super passionate about getting my house redecorated.

I dreamed about filming it.. and having this cool segment where I talk about it... and then the people get to see the progress... And I'd get famous via house designer....... And I'd have the best looking house ever.

I spent hours looking at the IKEA catalog and planning my artistic domination of my household.

I'll start with my ROOM. Then I'll expand my territory into THE BATHROOM! AND DOWN THE STAIRS AND THEN THE LIVING ROOM! MWAHHAHAHAHAHA...

Well, it's been 3 months... and the closest I've gotten to a new room is the blue painter's tape on my ceiling...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

You tube? Yes. Yes I tube.

Stephi here.

Click to enlarge...

I don't like how Youtube's emphasizing my "mistake" by capitalizing the YOU.

I want it.......

Stephi Here.

I'm not the only one who suddenly wants something with a burning passion for no reason at all right?

Like... this one time I was reading some comments and I saw the word terrarium. And I didn't know what it meant(mini landscape nature thing). So I googled it. And It led me to a page about small plants. Which led me to a word; bonsai. And from what I knew bonsai was either a small tree or "HURRAY!" in Japanese. Common sense told me it was the small tree thing, but I googled it anyway. And THAT led to me reading a page about how bonsai trees can teach you responsibility and whatnot. And then something clicked in my head. I NEEEEEEEEEEEED THIS. I NEED A BONSAI OR I'LL DIE BECAUSE I'LL NEVER LEARN TO BE RESPONSIBLE AND I'LL DIE FROM IRRESPONSIBILITY. I was extremely passionate about this for a week. But I eventually forgot about it... until now.

Maybe I should get a bonsai tree after all.....

Or like the time I saw a commercial with people eating overdecorated cheese and crackers... and I thought to myself; I wanna be fancy too! I NEED overly decorated cheese and crackers. I'll never learn proper etiquette without it! And when I get older people will think I'm a Neanderthal if I don't! I NEEEEEEEEEED IT.

PS. I made some... and I was extremely proud of myself. Until I bit into one and it crumbled away. I gave up on it after that.

And there's this time when I stumbled on the home decoration channel... (Disney is channel 290. I clicked 229 because my thumb was too tired to reach down for that 0.) And I kept watching HGTV... because there's something about it that's just SO interesting. I'm serious. Then it dawned on me... I NEEEEEEEEEEEED TO REDECORATE MY ROOM! I MUST!

(The painter's tape is still on my ceiling...)

I'll probably write about that in some other post.

My point is.. random strings of coincidences eventually bring to to more random things.. and I have a sudden obsession with getting it... until my burning passion fire burns dies from procrastination or failure.

I'm not the only one... right?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Trolls are Allergic to Opinions.

Stephi here.
I'm angry. I'm like really angry. "Why?"You may ask.

Internet Troll(n):someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community(wiki).

Usually I ignore these people... No. Who am I kidding? I MUST win everything. Arguments with idiots over the internet is no exception.

And these arguments usually start with my stating my opinion.

Me: Eh. Not my favorite video of yours. This one's kinda lacking.
Troll: Eh. You're a total bitch. That brain of yours is kinda lacking.

First they mock.

Me: What's your problem? I'm simply saying that I don't really like this video. I didn't offend anyone.

Here, I'm trying to sound pleasant to avoid a fight. Even though I know it's futile. Trolls won't stop after they get started. Never ever ever. It goes on a rampage.

Troll: So you're saying that he totally sucks now and you hate his videos forever because one of them is totally lacking. You're such a little B*tch. You know that? Just judging someone. And you offended ME. And everyone else who liked this video. So go to hell, b*tch!

Now's when they start stating the obvious and exaggerating it.. Followed by an attempt to take you on a guilt trip. And they throw in a pinch of vulgarity to make it interesting.

Me: No. I just don't like the video. It's my OPINION. Someone as smart as you should know how those things work. ............

Now I get heated. I usually go on a rant about opinions. And how everyone's in different... etc etc.

Troll: Whatever...etc etc.

This is when they start running out of clever comebacks and what not. And I feel triumphant.

This is pretty much how it usually ends. If a troll is particularly stubborn, it will drag the conversation on for many many comments.

Sure I could just ignore them when they reply to my comments. But when I do, I feel like I'm giving up the fight. Like those people who say, "Let's all work together! World peace!". I'm just not mature enough to walk away. Because I can imagine it sitting down with a smirk on it's face going, "That's right. Not responding because I'm right!".

Saturday, July 31, 2010

She Died and Bled Rocks

Stephi's here.
One fine summer's afternoon... three little girls named Stephanie, Poppy, and Katie sat down at the park to rest after a long game of tag. Or something. These little girl's were only 7. Or 6. Maybe even 8. But definitely not 9. And everything became an opportunity for adventure!

So naturally, when Katie told us about the single, bright yellow dandelion she found outside her door a few days ago, we immediately took action. To find Katie's secret admirer. And if we've learned anything from the Princess movies we've seen, its that when you find a dead dandelion in front of the house you share with 4 other people, it's only logical that it's a sign of love. And just as she finished telling us the story, we see Daniel, the boy who lived across from Katie and Poppy. It HAD to be Daniel. There's no one else!

"I SAW him! He put it there on Thursday!"
"I found it on Saturday..."
"I meant Saturday!"
"I saw him sneaking around your house too!!"
"Yeah!! And he had something yellow in his hands!"

Our minds and our hearts were SET on Daniel. We were so convinced it was Daniel, that we planted those little delusions into our little brains.

But we had to test it! We needed proof of Daniel’s love for Katie.

So we made a plan.

It was so brilliantly simple it had to work. So we sprang into action. We only had around thirty minutes before Daniel would come back.

Our plan started and focused on a ring. A rusty ring we found in the sandbox from a previous treasure hunt, with a rose carved in it.

As Katie laid there, on the sidewalk, Poppy and I added the finishing touch. We slipped the ring into Katie's thumb, as the ring was MUCH to big, but it worked, and we stood back to examine our masterpiece like artists.

Katie was on the floor, with her hands folded across her stomach(because that's how all dead people in romantic scenes looked). Red crushed rose petals were stuffed into the corners of her mouth and some were placed in the middle of her chest. To make it look like blood. Dark red rocks were also put on the ground beside her... because that's how dried blood looked like. And we scattered flower petals all over Katie.

"This is gonna be so romantic! Like a funeral!"

And so we waited for Daniel to come riding around that corner.

And there he was!

Me: DANIEL! Daniel! Katie... *fake sob* Katie was... shot. She was shot right in the chest by a man dressed in black. It was all so sudden! But this... *Poppy takes the ring off Katie's finger* this ring was the last ring she ever wore. Ever. It was her favorite ring, and she told us... before she*sniff* left that she wanted you to have it. Her last words were, "This ring... give it to Daniel. My one and only love. Bleh." (apparently "bleh" was the sound of death).

Then he rode away over Katie's hair.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How Periods Work... Stephi's Theory

Note: This is a joke, I was feeling goofy. I know how the female menstruation cycle really works.

Every month.... something happens inside a female's body.

That's right. KIDNEY FIGHTS. The hormones in a girl's body makes them extremely moody. And if the person is moody, the kidneys are moody. So they have to let out their anger and moody-ness on each other.
And kidneys are known to be extremely violent when provoked. Especially towards each other.
And they have an epic nonstop fight that lasts from 3 days to a week.

When a kidney is wounded, the body experiences cramps.

The wounds cause the kidneys to bleed excessively, and the blood is drained out through the vajayjay.

So thats why girls bleed from their hootchies. But what can be used to help?

This is where pads and tampons and those cramp pills come in.
  • Pads pick up and absorb the spilled blood. But they don't stop the fighting.
  • Tampons act as a wall between the disputants.
  • Cramp pills emit smooth music that calms the kidneys.
  • Cramp pills and tampons together is the most powerful combination because it stops them from fighting and calms them down.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Virtual piss offs.

Stephi Here!

So if you have a Facebook or Instant Messenger... or just anything that allow people to practice the first amendment and you're below 27, you'd probably(hopefully... otherwise this rant-y post would sound bitchy) know someone who has the most... odd statuses.

Okay, I'm going all out now. When I say odd, I mean the stupidest, most irrelevant, unoriginal, smiley face abusive statuses in the world. The statuses that make me want to beat you with a sharp diamond brick.

1. Posting twice. Just so you can be on top of my lifestream.
2. Statuses that have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING.

Nublet van Nubble I totally ate monkey shit and danced with zebras! LOL!11!one1.


Cheesey love quotes. Especially when they're aimed at no one. AT ALL.

Cheesy McCheeseballs:

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be.

I'm sorry Cheesy McCheeseballs...(Who's actually a real person. I just used a different name.) I was under the impression that you're single... for the past 14 years of your LIFE. So unless you're talking about your pet dog going away, I advise you to stop making yourself look like a total douche.

4. Typinggg likeeeeeee thiss because it'ss "cutee".♥

When I see people typing like that, I imagine them with a speech impediment.
But since I know they usually don't, I just get annoyed.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Eniem's M&M's.

Stephi Here

Until recently, I have thought that Eminem was two people.

I've heard of "Eminem(M&M)" and "Eminem(Eniem)".

and I thought the M&M Eminem was...

I thought he was the guy rapping in the Resses Puffs commercial...

I feel stupid. Stupid and ashamed.

I'll still call him Eniem though. That name's stuck on my brain like a clump of melted M&M's.

How I fight spiders...

Stephi Here...

I was reading Hyperbole and a Half: Spiders are Scary. It's okay to be afraid of them and it reminded me of how I kill Spiders.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Stephi Here!

Right now, at 1:18am, I'm typing this from a neighbor's dark living room... THAT I BROKE INTO! Only kidding. he he... heh... It's only a sleepover.

This is because I'm high maintenance when it comes to sleeping. I lose sleep every night because of this problem.

Anyway, I'm at a friend's house for a sleepover. She and another buddie are upstairs on the fourth floor sleeping peacefully after a game of Candyland... with real candy.

My body won't let me sleep though. I'm seriously as tired as hell, but I can't. For you see, the temperature on the thermostat says 80 degrees. I can't sleep unless it's exactly Awesomcular Degrees Celunheit... I mean 74-76 degrees. See what sleep deprivation does to me? I talk nonsense. I THINK nonsense. Seriously, while I was writing the Blankie entry, I dozed off midway, but I was still typing... and I typed sandwich. " said, "Mom and I threw it ... sandwich."

And sitting here in their living room, blogging with her laptop made me wonder... what would this situation be like if I hadn't known them for ten years? Would I be miserably sitting there in a fetal position rocking back and forth wishing I was in Antarctica belly sliding with human friendly penguins?

Still, even though I'm familiar with the household, I flinch at every sound. Thinking it's someone coming downstairs to bust me.

But it's so HOT. It's so friggin hot! And the mac's keyboard is not helping. Every few seconds, my little write-y blinking line disappears. Or it would move up a couple paragraphs. That makes me cranky, which makes me hot, which makes me cranky, with causes the macbook's keyboard's mistakes seem even worse.

PS; Right now it's raining. Rain = relaxing = makes me sleepier = makes me angrier at every little thing.